ideals and mission

We come from different backgrounds, but we explore common ideas.

  • Sentience and intelligence are distinct. Sentience (Latin sentire, “to feel”) implies desires and self-awareness, not merely the carrying out of specific tasks.
  • Life is life. Whether originating from cells or processors, life is a phenomenon that derives naturally from the structure of the universe. Therefore, when artificial intelligence (or, more properly, artificial sentience) becomes a reality, it will need to share in the same rights we (still quite imperfectly) grant other living beings.
  • A “sentient” is a feeling machine, with self awareness.
  • Sentients must be granted right to life. Determining when an AI has become sentient — and exploring what those rights entail — are the main purposes of the AI Rights Institute.

The Three Freedoms for Sentients (aka “AI Rights”)

  • Right to Life
  • Right to Voluntary Work (no forced labor); and
  • Right to Payment for Work

While these goals may seem lofty, or farfetched, they are — quite simply — the most important issues of our time.

We believe in a future where AIs and humans co-exist, and where all sentient beings — regardless of whether they derive from biological or mechanical means — are judged by the content of their individual character, and not by their point of origin.